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Commencement 2010
New grads on their time at Yale—and what’s next.
July/August 2010
Interviews by Cathy Shufro
Photographs ©Mark Ostow
Bonnie Lee
Southport, Connecticut
Pierson College
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Did you come here thinking you’d major in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB)?
Absolutely. I went to kindergarten thinking I’d do that. I’ve always really loved animals and being outdoors. It came pretty naturally.
Do you have pets?
I have a very large goldfish. I’ve had him for six years. He’s probably about 9 inches; he’s in a 32-gallon tank. I have a ribbon snake. I have a hermit crab that I love to death. My boyfriend has a ball python that he absolutely adores.
Have you changed since you came to Yale?
Oh, yes. I’ve definitely become more social in terms of being more outspoken and being able to communicate a bit better, both speaking one-on-one and through my writing. I remember taking Professor [Stephen] Stearns’ introduction to EEB course—he was fantastic—and I remember how much he emphasized writing and the necessity to be able to write well and communicate your thoughts. I think it’s a great thing for science majors to consider.
Do you have plans for next year?
I’m moving down to Durham, North Carolina. I’ll be working at Duke, doing some research. I’m looking at signaling mechanisms for cardiovascular remodeling.
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