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Commencement 2010
New grads on their time at Yale—and what’s next.
July/August 2010
Interviews by Cathy Shufro
Photographs ©Mark Ostow
Remi Ray
Westport, Connecticut
Morse College

What will you take away from Yale that’s most valuable to you?
Probably the relationships I made. Honestly, though, we just had a great brunch with my group of friends, The Complex. I should drop that name. We all lived together this year and it was fabulous. And the professors and faculty that I was able to meet, but most importantly, my friends.
Why are you called “The Complex”?
In Morse the party suite was called the Sexplex, and another suite was called the X-Plex, because they were ten girls, and we combined and formed The Complex.
How many people were in your year?
It’s somewhere around 20. We are a very diverse group. We have athletes. I’m a singer. We have people who were very interested in research; we had people that really aren’t interested in research.  |